Slow Down Retreat

Slow Down Retreat


The Slow Down Retreat gives you the time you need to refuel, rest, recharge, and find you again.

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Did you know that Slowing Down could be the fastest way to elevate your health?

Mary is an occupational therapist, mom of 2 and highly successful business owner. Mary is on a mission to help women slow down their lives, live in alignment and create ease and simplicity. In a world where productivity is often highly valued, Mary is flipping the script and showing women that when we slow down and fill our proverbial cups, that is actually when we create space for self love and self care. Plus a wonderful byproduct of this is that creativity and productivity naturally increases!

In this Nourish with Renata podcast, Mary shares her health journey, from motherhood and grief, to learning about the power of slowing down her life and her dedication to showing women how to embrace this in her exclusive experiences like the Slow Down Retreat.